Developing yourself as an artist is something that not only furthers your career, but brings out the possibilities in your creativity. We hold both, in equal measure, to the highest esteem here at ChartHouse Studios.

We understand that in today’s industry there is much more behind a successful artist than the songs. Don’t get us wrong, we live for the music, but we want to help you tap into your full artistic potential by tailoring what we do to fit your project, creating bespoke development packages, because every artist is different.
Take a look at what is included in the development program monthly subscription, and then let's have a chat about what is going to be the best approach for you.
● Recording, mixing and mastering
● Original Songwriting
● EP Release
● Vocal training, guitar lessons, performance and setlist prep.
● Professional photography and artwork design
● Music videos and promo reels
● Live performance showcases
● Constant support and advice
● Your music uploaded onto all relevant music services
● Learning how to earn money from your music.
● Social media and marketing set up and guidance
We also put on private writing camps and mini get togethers for members of the program, to meet and practice working as a team, out side of their usual one - to - one plans at no extra cost.